Saturday, January 5, 2008

practical 6a

this week we need to form a group and discuss about the choosen topic. so we form into groups and discuss which topic to do. after some time my group decided to do "Developments of alcoholism amoung youths." before we start off with the research, we have decided to use some the keywords like "Development of alcoholism in youths" , "alcohol abuse" and "underage drinking" etc.

next we have to do individual work and use one of the website and evaluate it based on the 7 criteria - purpose, coverage, authority, accuracy, currency, accessibility, presentation & arrangement.

website: Stop Underage Drinking
this website gets information from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), it is jointly supported by many different departments of agencies in the country therefore the inforamtion given should be accurate. there have many information about youth that are underage started drinking. the purpose of the website is about educating people about underage drinking and ideas to combat with this issue. there is an newsroom section where news are updated daily to keep users updated with the lastest information. the layout of the site is nice and can be navigated easily without any problem. they also provide links to others website on the topic of underage drinking. overall i feel that this website is good!~


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