Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wiki week!

this week is e-learing week!! that means we do not need to attend lesson!! =]
but we need to do some work though.. haha.. this week we need to use wiki. wiki is like a place where all the people in that community share their experience with each other just like online chatting.

we go into the group that was form last time and created an account under our names. after that we were assigned different task and each of us do our own part. as for me, i research on newspaper article found online regarding the topic on development of alcoholism among youths.

its quite interesting to use wiki and i will try to know more about it after serveal use in the future.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

practical 6b

this week is doing the same things as last week. we have to evaluate the other resource that was found last week. based on the criteria given in the template.

website: OPHA
the aim of this website is to provide education opportunities and up to date information in public health. the promote their campaign of youth and alcohol. they wanted to reduce youth age between 15-18 to drink alcohol. there are also links to other web pages regarding this topic in the blog links. the information should be accurate because public health professionals, community health professionals, grassroots organizations and individual have collaborated together with the OPHA to speak out and be heard by politicians and government policy makers on issues that affect the health of Ontarians. under the conference links, there are news whih are updated almost daily with their lastest news. the layout if the website is neatly arranged and presented and there is a site map for easier navigation. overall i feel that it is a not bad website.


Saturday, January 5, 2008

practical 6a

this week we need to form a group and discuss about the choosen topic. so we form into groups and discuss which topic to do. after some time my group decided to do "Developments of alcoholism amoung youths." before we start off with the research, we have decided to use some the keywords like "Development of alcoholism in youths" , "alcohol abuse" and "underage drinking" etc.

next we have to do individual work and use one of the website and evaluate it based on the 7 criteria - purpose, coverage, authority, accuracy, currency, accessibility, presentation & arrangement.

website: Stop Underage Drinking
this website gets information from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), it is jointly supported by many different departments of agencies in the country therefore the inforamtion given should be accurate. there have many information about youth that are underage started drinking. the purpose of the website is about educating people about underage drinking and ideas to combat with this issue. there is an newsroom section where news are updated daily to keep users updated with the lastest information. the layout of the site is nice and can be navigated easily without any problem. they also provide links to others website on the topic of underage drinking. overall i feel that this website is good!~


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

practical 3

this week, we are required to identify the purpose of the internet resources that was found. there are a total of 6 purpose: Information, Advocacy, Business/marketing, news, personal and entertainment.

the following are some resource that i had researched on:

Purpose: Information
example website:
this webiste provides information on the movies that are showing now and also the movies that will be coming out soon. other than those, it also provide the location of all their cinemas. users can view what movies are there in which cinemas and wad time. this website provides useful information!

Purpose: Business/Marketing
example website:

this site is aimed at male customer only as it only promote items for mens only. female customer could also be aimed because they might want to buy items for their boyfriend! =B
the site is neatly arranged with all the types of mens wear they are selling at the right side of the screen. customer could easily find the types of clothes that they wanted.

Purpose: News
example website:
Asiaone provides news from mainly asia and some other news from the world. the news are updated daily and provides news that are the lastest. there are all kinds of news available. it is very useful because we do not need to buy newspaper to read, surfing online and read we can get the lastest updated news.

Purpose: Entertainment
example website:
espn is an program from scv which provides excitment and entertainment for all sports lovers! the provide sports like soccer, rubgy, swimming, golf, tennis, basketball etc. it is shown on scv channel 24. even without the scv, the website provides latest video online to watch but only some of them.

after this are done, i have done up the site feeds although it took me some time...... =]


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

practical 4 & 5

for my assignment 1, i had choosen impact of budget airlines in asia. during my time doing the research on this topic, i have understand the different types of search facilities. The Search Engine, Meta Search Engine and subject directories. For me, i would use Search Engine to search for information, this is my favourite search facilitiy.

Search Engine: Eg-
the search result from Search Engine are very high because they have their own database. it can go up to 1 million results but it does not take a long time to search. the search engines also allows us to search more easily because of the phrase we search.

Meta Search Engine: eg-
the search result is much more lower as compared to the Search Engine. they uses database form other search engines therefore the results shown are much more lesser.

Subject Directories: eg-
the search result are lesser than Search Engine but more than Meta Search Engine. this search facility is not suitable for searching an specific issues (eg:cyber crimes). it is more suitable for searching common topics then close in on more specfic topic (eg:terrorist)


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

practical 2

today's lesson is about the difference types of website and i will have to identify and compare between these websites. the topic i have choosen to do is the impact of drug abuse on youth. there are 3 types of websites that i have to find, namely the organisational, personal and subject-based websites.

An example of an organisational website is here.
the website is created by WHO (World Health Organization). this organization deals with many kinds of health issuses and one of them is about the drug abuse. there are also many others health issues that can be found under health topics. they allow users to give feedbacks so they can get to know more problems and also the FAQ section might help some people answer their questions.

An example of a personal website would be the following websites:

these websites are matained by individuals or from part of an organization. they have the same interest on the drug abuse.

Last but not least, an example of a subject-based website would be from teen drug abuse.
This website targets particularly on the subject of drug abuse among the teens. it is more straight forward and easier to found regarding the drug abuse in youths.

i have used 2 search facilities, Yahoo and Google. this 2 are my favourite search engines!

the keyword i used are "impact of drug abuse on youth" , "teenager drug abuse" and "blogs on drug abuse".

after going through this lesson, i finally understand those 3 types of websites. subject-based websites are focused into 1 topic (eg:drug abuse on teens). for personal, it is maintained by 1 person and are mostly blogs that include the person's interest. as for organizational, it is created by a group of people that form a organization.


[[2nd time]]

last week my team member, lifanng and i did research on
Topic: Games.
Aspects: Online games.

www site:
I found a site which provide many games. there were 3-D game, action game, sports game and many other types of games.

Newsgroups and discussion list:
this website allow people to post their comment on the game and interact with other gamers.

Multi-media source:
there are many cute animation that attract small kids and there is also simple and cute games avaliable.

Electronic journal and magazine:
it is created using wordpress but the person provide information on the games. for example he will gif review about the games which is just like other magazine which provide the review of the game.
